ISM, star & planet formation group: High noon lunch
ISM, star & planet formation group: High noon lunch
Date Speaker Talk/Discussion Title
Jan. 31 Sally Oey (U. of Michigan) The Sparest Clusters with O stars
Feb. 14 Micaela Bagley, John Bieging, The W3, W4, W5 - the heart & soul nebulae
Sydney Wolff, Lori Allen,
Serena Kim
Feb. 28 Yancy Shirley, Serena Kim Core Mass Function & Initial Mass Function
Mar. 14 Chris Crocket (Lowell Obs.) Searching for the Youngest Planets
Mar. 28
Apr. 11 Leslie Hebb (Vanderbilt Univ.) Unique Discoveries from the SuperWASP Transiting Planet Survey
Apr. 25 Chris Corbally (Vatican Obs.) Lambda Bootis Stars
May 9 John Bieging The W3 Star Forming Region
Meeting schedule for spring 2011
This lunch meeting is designed to bring together people at Steward, LPL, and NOAO broadly interested in the interstellar medium, astrochemistry, and star & planet formation. We meet every other Monday at 12:00 in Steward Observatory room N305 (alternating with Galaxy Group).